February 29, 2016On December 22nd 2015, Product Development and Innovation Laboratory welcomed new members for batch 2014. Attachments 2014_PRODEV (223 kB)
October 29, 2015The group visited paid a visit to the exhibition and several display rooms of collections. The visit facilitated a warm and informal between students and lecturer and between students and students. Attachments museumgajah (113 kB)
November 27, 2019On September 27-29, 2019 in Hong Kong, two of Prodev’s assistants laboratory attended The 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering (ICIBE 2019). The ICIBE 2019 aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Industrial and Business Engineering, […]
October 28, 2014Students learned Futami’s business operation in its plant to see the company level view that consists of its supplier, production line, and supply chain. Attachments futami (134 kB)
March 2, 2014The 6th INDISCO (Industrial Design and Seminar Competition) was held again in 2014. Attachments 6thindisco (93 kB)
October 21, 2014Students learned more about KM implementation in business practice, how it can build and strengthen company to achive their goals. Attachments ut (123 kB)
October 2, 2011Prodev laboratory assistants have done a competition on designing product based on ergonomics and innovation on June 2011 Attachments voltamilk (34 kB)