February 29, 2016On December 22nd 2015, Product Development and Innovation Laboratory welcomed new members for batch 2014. Attachments 2014_PRODEV (223 kB)
May 21, 2015Our laboratory paid a visit to DesignSingapore Council, Singapore’s national agency for design under the nation’s Ministry of Communications and Information. Attachments spore (123 kB)
March 2, 2014The 6th INDISCO (Industrial Design and Seminar Competition) was held again in 2014. Attachments 6thindisco (93 kB)
November 16, 2016On November, 10th 2016, Prilly Putri Adinda and Arsila Chairunnisa from batch 2014 representing Product Development and Innovation Lab, Universitas Indonesia to participated in an International Scale Product Design Competition, CHRONICS 2016. This year’s theme, “Organized Living” Â they brought Stick & Stack as their product. The competition held for 3 days through stages; case study, […]
October 2, 2011Prodev laboratory assistants have done a competition on designing product based on ergonomics and innovation on June 2011 Attachments voltamilk (34 kB)
October 29, 2013The research purpose is designing portable toilet with self-water filtration for natural disaster area in Merapi, Yogyakarta. Attachments toilet (145 kB)
October 2, 2013Prodev Lab assistants have done a competition on designing product based on ergonomics and innovation on June 2013 Attachments kursitidur (60 kB)